Canvas Packs

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    All the streams and creeks (and lakes, for that matter) were low. In some of the smaller creeks, we did as much muck walking and paddle pushing as we did actual paddling. Unless something drastic happens, rain-wise, expect to get muddy.



    @pake rick 127 wrote:

    Hey PK, Bman might need that new Frost River when da Beres send Green Bay ‘packin’. :p

    heh, heh, heh. Life Is Good Barry. Life Is So Good! ๐Ÿ˜‰


    And I am just seeing this for the first time! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ And look who squeaked by with a win? Rick, need to barrow my Frost River Pack?

    Naw, letโ€™s break it in on the Falls Chain where life is good!;)



    Who needs football when the Red Sox are leading the AL East?

    And the Pats won their first game anyway…

    You all might as well use your time wisely..plan next years canoe trip.

    New England Rules!

    (how far can you throw beer and limburger?)


    No need to throw limburger, a gentle breeze will work just fine.


    Who needs football when the Red Sox are leading the AL East?

    And the Pats won their first game anyway…

    You all might as well use your time wisely..plan next years canoe trip.

    New England Rules!

    (how far can you throw beer and limburger?)

    Wow did this serious topic get hijacked…


    I agree with Chuck on the breeze. Just make sure that when executing the liquids not to face into the wind. And if your taking care of the limburger then face appropieately at Jerry:eek:

    Just remember the topic title here is about packs so any worth while discussions about the packers is approprieate:p


    pake rick

    @kayamedic 344 wrote:

    And the Pats won their first game anyway…

    New England Rules!

    (how far can you throw beer and limburger?)

    Wow did this serious topic get hijacked…

    Didja happen to catch the news this AM?

    I don’t think any of us can get too smart this early in the season. (I can say that, I’m a bears guy don’t forget)

    The Pats were caught cheating last week. Videotaping the Jets defensive play calling. May get penalyzed a draft pick or two. :p

    heh, heh

    Life Is Good, Barry. Life Is Good! ๐Ÿ˜€



    I am not that smart late in the season either…last year they managed to blow it… thats cause we opened the bubbly just a wee too early.

    Its wonderful that people can still remain fans in this day and age of swapping and selling players…faster than a carousel

    and this

    I am going back to one cheats there!

    pake rick

    @kayamedic 356 wrote:

    I am going back to one cheats there!

    Whadda bout double blading then? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    kidding; just kidding ๐Ÿ˜Ž



    Double blade, single blade, bent blade! Isnโ€™t it all about forward progression?:cool:

    Good one Rick


    In FreeStyle its about circles. We spend as much time going backward as forward..also called non destinational canoeing…we can put on miles and go nowhere!

    Which leads up to the two most voiced observations from the watching public:
    1. I can help you make that canoe go straight!
    2. Did you lose something?

    pake rick

    @kayamedic 367 wrote:

    …non destinational …

    I love that description! My beautiful bride M believes that much of my life could be described that way.

    God I love that girl. ๐Ÿ˜€



    You can practice non-destinational after we make camp. In fact, I’ll join you! Get ready to explore!



    Gee Barry I know where you can get a pair of much loved Woods Number 2 packs so you can keep your neck in shape!

    The fat pack is Big Bertha..I have a Cooke Expedition Pack that has some stiffener so that pack is “The Bi…(another word for some kind of Lady) in Red”..not as round as Bertha so that is a big help. But almost as big!

    Pake Rick, you and M should take a spin in a Charles River canoe..historically they were used for courting. The sternsman was out of reach of milady, who reposed on an oriental rug with a backrest. If there was no canopy on the canoe she would have a parasol.

    You might enjoy this article that has nothing at all to do with canvas packs.

    pake rick

    @kayamedic 382 wrote:

    Pake Rick, you and M should take a spin in a Charles River canoe..historically they were used for courting. The sternsman was out of reach of milady, who reposed on an oriental rug with a backrest. If there was no canopy on the canoe she would have a parasol.

    You might enjoy this article that has nothing at all to do with canvas packs.

    Thanks kayamedic! I’ll read that article. Then I’ve gotta lookin for a parasol. M and I go out a lot in the Souris, but I bet we can outfit that sunshade thingie. I’m tryin to teach her some more steering strokes so that she can paddle in the stern and I can sit on the bottom facing her! ๐Ÿ˜Ž maybe drinkin a beer :p


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