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    beyond the basics…… yup ok i went out yesterday and bought this 30th anniversary edition book by the “big guy”:D
    well it sure has alot of info and i’ll give it one thing it reminded me that i have a very nice magellan sporttrak topo GPS that i have absolutly no friggin idea how to use!?!?!
    yup i’d better get this GPS thing all figured out and soon…back to the book sure seemed like a bunch of cool info on canoes and albe dammed if me and cliff ain’t got something in common i absolutly love my ganfors bruks axes too but my favorites gotta be my double bladded whacker designed for target throwing,but mostly i use it as a showpiece,like “say hello to my lil’ttle friend”….it was so much fun to get that dude out and spin it round when lisas 17 year old brought over her new boyfriend to meet us yall never seen a lil cracker pull up them baggy hoodlum pants so fast!!!!! they work great hehe cliff aint kiddin


    Many think reading about how to camp, what to buy, how to use your gear, what to do when camping, what to do when canoing, how to start a fire, etc. If you ask the question many will return with an answer and they will be similar or very dis-similar to each other. The only advice I have it to listen and remember what is said and try it and then you will find what is best for you.
    I have advertised this new site on some very old sites for canoers so I will advertise those sites here.
    Go to:

    You will find that both of these sites has a forum with many thousands of members and if you post a question you will get many answers. Some you will have to try out or investigate to see if it is what you are looking for.


    Hillbilly love the handle,if’n i had a nickle for every time i been called that!!!! hey i really dig how you guys make me feel in this sport/hobby??? of canoeing yall tell me go ahead read this read that but also you guys (hillbilly andy pk) yall always mention for me to go ahead and try a certain way but form my own opinion!!! and comming from guys who have done this deal for years,well yall seem like bunch of really nice guys to me cuz i have been on other hobby messageboards and way too often people are so about there own knowledge that its there way or your a complete knucklehead so thanks so much for makin a rookie feel like a member of the team so- to- say…. i’ll check into those links…


    @OneBadApple 570 wrote:

    Hillbilly love the handle,if’n i had a nickle for every time i been called that!!!! hey i really dig how you guys make me feel in this sport/hobby??? of canoeing yall tell me go ahead read this read that but also you guys (hillbilly andy pk) yall always mention for me to go ahead and try a certain way but form my own opinion!!! and comming from guys who have done this deal for years,well yall seem like bunch of really nice guys to me cuz i have been on other hobby messageboards and way too often people are so about there own knowledge that its there way or your a complete knucklehead so thanks so much for makin a rookie feel like a member of the team so- to- say…. i’ll check into those links…

    Hey OBA….I’ll put a third motion on the table…to back up some posts by Hillbilly and PKnoer….comin from another person who considers himself still fairly new to the canoe….its all about what works for you….ya never know till ya try…my best advice…on anything you wanna ask…is read the opinions of others…decide what yer gonna do…then try it in the field….its all about gettin out there!!!!!!!!!….so get off the comp and get out there!

    and enjoy the journey!



    hey now!!! im hip CC and contrary to popular beliefs…. im paddlin much more than comp- putin…
    gotta go dip-a paddle now lisa’s got the pik-a-nik basket all packed…
    oba out

    Jerry R.


    Cliff has some great ideas and has a ton of experience, so go ahead and try them out and tweak as you need to fit your situation. I personally can’t stand Cliff, but he is a knowledgeable camper and canoeist.


    pake rick

    Yeah Jer,

    but I don’t believe Cliff wears colorful ties like you’ve been known to do! 😉


    Jerry R.


    No accounting for bad taste, is there?



    @Jerry R. 576 wrote:


    Cliff has some great ideas and has a ton of experience, so go ahead and try them out and tweak as you need to fit your situation. I personally can’t stand Cliff, but he is a knowledgeable camper and canoeist.


    like the time he told an audience of us that no seeum netting was not necessary and too hot so we should seek mosquito netting with a larger diameter hole.. per C no seeums are rare.

    150 of us were rolling in the aisles.:D:D He hasnt paddled in Maine where the presentation was. He has not yet met legions of no seeums that are the worst in New Brunswick even over Maine where they just singe you. In NB they send you screaming to the smoky fire. I guess the Midwest isnt cursed with them nor the Arctic.

    So take some of his ideas..many are sound and think about the process behind the advice…and then think about if it will work for you.


    cool cool:D



    I had a similar opinion of Cliff until last year. He’s opinionated… and seems to want to evangelize much of the canoeing community to doing things his way and surely isn’t above shilling things he’s involved with. But I must admit I had a good time having dinner, and several primo beers with him this last March over here in Lansing. Must have been the beers going to my head. :p

    Anyways, it’s nearly always entertaining to take in his seminars… to watch him run across the stage with his neck straining, eyes bulging from the tumpline wrapped around his head. 😀

    Anyways, I’w with the rest of the crowd… there is alot of good material out there to read, and presenters to see, but just plain working it out for yourself is often just as good.




    I haven’t met a single canoe guru who wasn’t a great social contact over a good meal or a brew or two..some of them can surprise you with their capacity!


    @kayamedic 599 wrote:

    I haven’t met a single canoe guru who wasn’t a great social contact over a good meal or a brew or two..some of them can surprise you with their capacity!

    Yep, I recall enjoying both with you and Mr. Halt at a cajun restaurant in Mandeville, LA one Sunday evening several years ago. Nothing like crawdads and Abita after a nice warm March day on the bayou!!!


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