Fire Conditions – August 31, 2018 Update

Home Forums Woodland Caribou Provincial Park Fire Conditions – August 31, 2018 Update

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    The RFZ fire ban has been lifted.  As of September 1st 2018, all routes are opened in WCPP.  Please note that fires are not OUT. In discussions with AFFES the threat to human safety has been minimized, with that said, the risk is not minimized.  Be safe if venturing in the area and/or remind all of your guests these are active fires and to maintain situational awareness.

    Almost every type of ecosystem on land is influenced by wildfire but none is as dependent as the Boreal Forest for its self-rejuvenation.  Natural fires are part of the ecological makeup of this area. If you look with eyes wide open, you will appreciate the vigorous rebirth of life and the unique beauty of the new landscape.

    Nearly all of the forest fire occurrences in Northwestern Ontario are caused by lightning. These alone keep fire suppression personnel busy enough that adding human-caused fires to the mix can add unnecessary burden on a limited resource. Individuals venturing in the backcountry must use fire with great diligence.  Always light a fire in an existing fire ring or bare rock (not over moss and forest debris).  If conditions are very dry, forgo the traditional campfire. A cook stove should always be part of your camping equipment.

    Fire RED3– A lightning fire from eastern Manitoba crossed into Ontario last May 12th, 2016 in the area of Broken Arrow… and it spread like, “wildfire” literally.  After all was said and done, Red3 clocked in at 85,000 ha (210,000 acres) in size… a huge area.  While some values were lost,  the fire crews did an outstanding job protecting the values that were threatened along the Gammon River system. The damaged forest resulting from the snowdown event of 2012 followed by the infestation of the sawyer beetle in the more recent years contributed to the fierce fire behavior.  It is a changed landscape but also Mother Nature’s way to renew its stressed forest.  All travels in and around the fire area are permitted.  Park maintenance crews visited all of the affected areas last season.   It is expected that trees will continue to settle and fall over the trails, regrowth will soon obscure the path, and campsites may need continued clearing of down trees and leaning hazard trees.   Please check our Canoe Route posts for updates on crew maintenance efforts.

    Other Recent Fires of Note
    * July 2015 – 3 fires in the area of Barclay Lake – Lightning Fires
    * June 2015 – NE shores of Larus Lake – Lightning fire with visual impact in the area of portages N of Larus and S of Thicketwood
    * June 2015 – North, East, South shores of Wrist Lake – Lightning fire with some visual impact to the North shore of Aegean Lake
    * August 2014 – North end of Mary’s Lake along the Bloodvein River. Lightning fire that was monitored. Some visual impact along the north shore of the River and Mary’s Lake.
    * July 2012 – Adventure Lake area- Did not leave a significant visual impact as it crossed the narrows of Adventure Lake
    * Red August 2011 – Red #124 – Over 22,000 ha (54,360 acres) in size – will be evident as paddlers travel the west shores of Knox, all of Murdock shores, and southern shores of Larus. Those traveling through this area of the Bloodvein River will be greeted by a landscape of tree skeletons, bare bedrock, and a vibrant re-growth of jack pine and spruce barely reaching shin height. Maintenance crews will attempt to visit affected portages annually for the next few years.

    For details on current fires and for daily fire updates, visit the following link:

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by caribou.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by caribou.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by caribou.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by caribou.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by caribou.
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