Canoe Strokes: The Sculling Draw

Becky Mason shows how a sculling draw is done.

The Sculling Draw is both graceful and useful for pulling up to a dock and for maneuvering a solo canoe. It offers stability and when its done right, the canoe appears to glide effortlessly across the water. Learn this advanced technique and more in Becky Mason’s Advanced Classic Solo Canoeing — winner of the 2012 Reel Paddling Festival Best Instructional Film Award.



The Canoe Sculling Draw

Technique: Start by placing the paddle perpendicular to the water just ahead of your knee and about four inches away from the hull. Your shaft-hand should be at gunwale height, with the throat of the paddle at the waterline. The paddle’s power-face will be toward the canoe. Now turn the thumb-side of your top (control) hand away from the canoe… Via

Diagram of Canoe Sculling Draw

Video: Sculling a Canoe

This is a short segment on how to scull a canoe sideways both towards and away from the paddler’s side. It’s another in a series on how to control a canoe in what’s referred to as Canadian Style Paddling… Via Rolf Kraiker on YouTube



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