Jason Eke, Canadian canoeist and filmmaker, shares his process for repairing a wooden canoe paddle so it looks and performs as good as new…
While we rarely hear of one of our paddles breaking, sometimes the unthinkable happens! If you have a broken paddle blade, watch the above video as Jason explains how to repair it.
(By the way, thanks so much for your kind words about Bending Branches’ paddles, Jason!)
You’ll see from the video it’s quite a simple process. You’ll need:
- Masking tape
- Epoxy, clear hardener and wood flour
- Wooden stir stick
- 2 pipe clamps
- Marine varnish and paint brush
- A good, flat working surface
Step 1
Use masking tape to tape off the flat edges of each paddle piece at the break. This is for easier cleaning and sanding later.
Step 2
Set up the main paddle with the two pipe clamps on a work table.
Step 3
Mix an epoxy with a clear hardener and wood flour until the consistency is like mayonnaise or peanut butter. You want it thick enough to adhere to the stir stick.
Step 4
Apply the thickened epoxy to the edges of one side of the break with the stir stick.
Step 5
Clamp the two pieces of the paddle together. Wipe off any excess epoxy. Let it sit for at least 24 hours.
Step 6
Once it’s fully dried, remove the paddle from the clamps, remove the masking tape and sand both sides of the paddle blade all over with a palm sander. Wipe off the dust.
Step 7
Apply a two or more coats of good-quality marine varnish. Refer to the directions on the can for re-coating instructions.
That’s all there is to it…
Find out more about Jason Eke on his website: TrailGuidePictures.com.
This article published with permission by Bending Branches