Canoe Gear

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North Water Tandem Canoe Spraydeck
North Water makes Spray Decks for almost any Canoe. They have a unique mounting system and proven measurement guide to ensure a snug fit on your canoe. With many options and our ability to customize, you can design your deck the way you want it.
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North Water Solo Canoe Spraydeck
North Water makes Spray Decks for almost any Canoe. They have a unique mounting system and proven measurement guide to ensure a snug fit on your canoe. With many options and our ability to customize, you can design your deck the way you want it.
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303 Aerospace Protectant
It's SPF-40 sunscreen, good for your gear. 303's protective formula is designed to slow or stop ultraviolet damage. This water-based formula protects and restores color to gel coat, skin coat and Royalex hulls. Essential for boats stored outside. 303 works well on plastics, vinyl, and fabrics; use it wherever you need to protect valuable paddling and outdoor gear from UV damage. 8 oz. bottle $9.95 16 oz. bottle $15.95
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3M Marine Color/Gloss Restorer
Resurrect the shine of your canoe's gelcoat with 3M Marine Color / Gloss Restorer. This compound / polish combines an exceptionally fast cutting compound with a finishing material in one. It removes light to heavy oxidation, minor scratches and stains.
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Watco Gunwale & Trim Care
A penetrating flexible finish formulated to enhance and protect wood decks, trim and gunwales. Easy to apply, long lasting, prevents UV degredation, and retards mildew. Natural color to protect woodwork.
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Northwest Canoe Gel Coat Repair Kit
Fix deep gel coat scratches, nicks and gouges on your canoe or kayak. Leaving it thread-bare can lead to more serious problems. This NWC kit consists of the highest quality polyester marine gel coat, supplies and instructions to help you make a professional looking repair.
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Northwest Canoe Composite Repair Kit
Make a permanent structurally sound repair to your fiberglass or Kevlar composite canoe or kayak. This kit is designed to mend punctures, tears or stress fractures, golfball-size to football-size.
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Northwest Canoe Royalex Repair Kit
A flexible epoxy resin system makes our Royalex Repair Kit perfect for repairing ABS hulls - flex, elasticity, elongation... whatever name you want to use, it mimicks the physical properties of your vinyl-skinned ABS canoe hull.
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Skid Plate Kit - Solo / Composite
Finally, right-sized felts for the knife-like entry of your fiberglass, Kevlar or carbon composite canoe. Sleek 32 x 3 inch Kevlar felts packaged with a two-part marine epoxy resin system will protect your canoe, solo or tandem.
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Northwest Canoe Skid Plate Kit - Tandem/Universal
LiveryTough skid plates cover any hull in need of serious protection, ideal for rental canoes, whitewater boaters and backcountry travelers. Get the same two-part resin system used in our Tandem / Universal Skid Plate kit, but with larger 44 x 7 inch Kevlar felts and extra resin.
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Northwest Canoe Skid Plate Kit - Tandem/Universal
Apply tough Kevlar felts with a two-part resin system formulated to withstand abrasion and impact. Skid plates, some paddlers refer to them as bang plates, extend the life of your canoe.
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Seattle Sports All-Terrain Kayak / Canoe Cart
Easily transport loaded canoes, kayaks, paddle boards and more on the Seattle Sports All-Terrain cart. It has a 300 lb. load capacity and flat-free tires to get your craft right to the water's edge.
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